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In this notebook you will solve a 2-element frame at the end of the notebook.
Our matrix method implementation is now completely stored in a local package, consisting of three classes.
Two-element frame#
\(EI = 1500\)
\(EA = 1000\)
\(q = 9\)
\(L = 5\)
\(\bar\varphi = 0.15\)
The final example for the workshops is the two-element frame above. Here you should make use of all the new code you implemented:
Set up the problem and compute a solution for
. Remember to consider the prescribed horizontal displacement \(\bar{u}\) at the right end of the structure.Compute and plot bending moment lines for both elements (in the local and global coordinate systems)
Compute reactions at both supports
import matplotlib as plt
import numpy as np
sys.path.insert(1, '/matrixmethod_solution')
import matrixmethod_solution as mm
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['svg']
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as plt
import matrixmethod as mm
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['svg']
for elem in elems:
u_elem = con.full_disp(#YOUR CODE HERE)[#YOUR CODE HERE.global_dofs()]
elem.plot_displaced #YOUR CODE HERE
For the given parameter values, if your implementation is fully correct, you should get the following nodal displacements and support reactions:
You should also get the following moment lines for the two elements:
in local coordinate system:
in global coordinate system:
And the following displacements:
in local coordinate system:
in global coordinate system: